Rassegna stampa estate 2023 Conti Thun la Cantina di Vini e Resort che ha affascinato la TV nazionale e internazionale

Summer 2023 Press Review

Conti Thun the Wine Cellar and Resort that captivated national and international TV

Dear friends,
we cannot help but share with you the magnificent year that has been for us. It has been a time of awards and celebrations that has made our passion for producing high quality wines even more special. We are thrilled to tell you how the world has turned its gaze towards us, celebrating not only our fine wines but also the splendid beauty of our beloved Lake Garda.

"Mela Verde" – - An Enogastronomic Discovery

When the Italian TV programme 'Mela Verde' knocked on our door, we were thrilled to open the doors of our winery and share it with the world. What followed was a fascinating journey that took viewers to our vineyards, where our love for the land and dedication to producing high quality wines were highlighted in an intimate and authentic way. Through engaging interviews and evocative images, the programme told our story, revealing the passion and care we put into each bottle. The magic was made even more evident when our connection with the wonderful Lake Garda was explored, creating a perfect marriage between our wine and the natural beauty of this extraordinary region.

Click here to watch the episode.

"Expedition in die Heimat" - The International Fascination of Conti Thun Wines

The international influence of our work was highlighted by ARD Germany's 'Expedition in die Heimat' programme. Together with the viewers, we embarked on a journey that captured the food and wine and the majesty of Lake Garda. While being accompanied to our wine cellar, the spectators had the opportunity to discover the art and science behind our high quality wines. The tasting experience was enhanced by the backdrop of the views of Lake Garda, a true natural treasure that made every sip even more memorable. The surrounding localities, such as Salò, Limone del Garda, Desenzano and Sirmione, became enchanting settings for our tastings, transforming every moment into a magical experience.
We leave you here the link to see the programme: CLICK HERE

The Harmony of Precious Wines and Natural Beauty

Lake Garda, with its crystal-clear waters and surrounding landscape, is undoubtedly one of Italy's natural jewels. Its wonders fascinate visitors from all over the world. We have had the privilege of celebrating the beauty of places like Salò, with its cobbled streets and breathtaking views; Limone del Garda, with its lemon terraces and the authenticity it exudes; Desenzano, vibrant and full of life; and Sirmione, a place steeped in history and healing power.
In conclusion, our year, which is not yet over, has been one of triumphs, celebrated through reports that have highlighted not only our fine wines, but also the extraordinary beauty of Lake Garda. Thanks to programmes such as 'Mela Verde' and 'Expedition in die Heimat', our wine and food treasure chest was exposed to the world, demonstrating how the art of wine marries magnificently with the unspoilt nature that surrounds us. Sipping our wines in these enchanting locations is a true sensory journey, in which the passion for wine merges with the grandeur of Italian nature.

With affection, the entire Conti Thun Team

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